Sunday, June 12, 2011

Dia Numero 13 :)

Hola amigos! I'll write some quick highlights to give you guys an idea of what I've been up to lately.

A couple days ago we went to the Trujillo Dump and handed out fruit to the 200+ people who work and live there.  I'm not really sure how I felt about it all. It was a little overwhelming because I want to do so much more than just hand them a piece of fruit. I want to speak to them and share my heart and do something more. Give them Jesus...the thing that lasts. So, with that said, I'm really working on my Spanish. It's crazy how much you can learn here even in two weeks. 

We also went to the Daycare for the kids in the dump.  We did a VBS with the kids there and got to just play and build relationships with them.  I got to meet Bethany's sponsor child, Stephanie, and I had so much fun practicing our different languages on eachother.  It's amazing how much you can communicate and relate to people just though the simple stuff.  God's love flows out of the people here and they're not afraid to share about their love for Him.  They're so open and more than happy to share their testimonies with anyone who asks.  I've already learned so much from their openness. 

While we're here we have to do a Project to better the community or people here. I'm still praying about it, but I think that I want to do something with the children in the dump, or something to better improve their VBS program on Saturdays. 

Today we went to Church in the morning, then went to the "not-so-ancient" ruins of Chan Chan and then went to the beach.  We met a world traveler who played the flute for us. :) It's amazing to me that just down the road from the touristy beach is poverty. Still trying to process that reality.  Ok, gotta go to dinner! adios!!!

1 comment:

  1. Amazing! Thanks so much for the updates! What an adventure, I can only imagine all that you are experiencing...well, I mean, I can read it...but what an amazing experience.
